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Welcome to the specialty store with handmade products produced in our workshops in the EU.

Introduction » NO SPIN Throwers (9,5-10 in) » Shiny Steel Finish » ACEJET Long Distance No Spin set of 6


ACEJET Long Distance No Spin set of 6

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Product no.: 7333
EAN code: 8594176640303
USD 499.00 (458.08 EUR)

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AceJet Long Distance No Spin Set

Get ready for long distance throwing with our special set of 6 throwing knives approved by the 5-time World Champion - Adam Celadin.

AceJet Kunai Throwing Knife

Great performances in long distance throws. This knife is much easier to stick into the target from a longer distance. Thanks to the extended end of the knife, the ideal slim shape (but still 8mm thick), it works wonderfully over longer distances.

AceJet Stinger Throwing Knife

Stinger - our best seller and the most favorite knife o Adam Čeladin for any techniques. We definitely must include Stinger to a long distance set. The time tested knife. Works great for long distance as well!

This knife set includes

  • set of 6 throwing knives wrapped in the Adam's typical scarf,
  • an ace of hearts, which is meant to place on the centre of the target to strike with the knife,
  • cerificate of authenticity.


  • They are handmade in Europe from European materials, no China, no pressure on the manufacturing cost. Our only parameter is TOP manufacturing quality. 
  • The products produced in our workshop are constantly consulted with Adam Čeladín - 5 time world champion and top guru, mentor and influencer in various disciplines of the trowing knives sports industry
  • Lifetime warranty - you buy these knives for life. They will not loose their value, they won´t break and that is why you won´t have to get a new one.
  • They are designed and manufactured as a professional competition knives.
  • Adam Čeladín recommends professional knives even to beginners, because they will make much faster progress with them.
  • The feeling of the grip, flight and the sound of knives hitting a target is just awesome and even starting throwers will fall in love with this sport faster than while using cheap chinese knives.


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